Authors: Andry Vleeming, Vert Mooney, Rob Stoeckart
Publisher: Churñhill Livingstîne
Date: 2007-03-01
ISBN: 0443101787
Format: PDF
Pages: 658
Size: 72.50 MB
PART 1 Biomechanical, clinical-anatomical and evolutionary aspects of lumbopelvic pain and dysfunction
SECTION 1 Clinical-anatomical aspects
1. The muscular, ligamentous and neural structure of the lumbosacrum and its relationship to low back pain
2. Anatomical linkages and muscle slings of the lumbopelvic region
3. Anatomy and biomechanics of the lumbar fasciae: implications for lumbopelvic control and clinical practice
4. Clinical anatomy of the anterolateral abdominal muscles
5. Clinical anatomy of the lumbar multifidus
6. Clinical anatomy and function of psoas major and deep sacral gluteus maximus
7. The SIJ, sensory-motor control and pain, A Indahl
8. The role of the pelvic girdle in coupling the spine and the legs: a clinical-anatomical perspective on pelvic stability
SECTION 2 Evolution, biomechanics and kinematics
9. Evolution of the human lumbopelvic region and its relationship to some clinical deficits of the spine and pelvis
10. Kinematic models and the human pelvis
11. How to use the spine, pelvis and legs effectively in lifting
12. Is the sacroiliac joint an evolved costovertebral joint?
13. The evolution of myths and facts regarding function and dysfunction of the pelvic girdle
PART 2 Insights in function and dysfunction of the lumbopelvic region
14. Anatomical, biomechanical and clinical perspectives on sacroiliac joints: an integrative synthesis of biodynamic mechanisms related to ankylosing spondylitis
15. A suspensory system for the sacrum in pelvic mechanics: biotensegrity
16. Why and how to optimize posture
17. Gait style as an etiology to lower back pain
18. A detailed and critical biomechanical analysis of the sacroiliac joints and relevant kinesiology: the implications for lumbopelvic function and dysfunction
19. Stability or controlled instability?
PART 3 Diagnostic methods
SECTION 1 Visualization in relation to pelvic dysfunction
20. Basic problems in the visualization of the sacroiliac joint
21. CT and MRI of the sacroiliac joints
22. Visualization of pelvic biomechanical dysfunction
SECTION 2 The pelvic girdle
23. Movement of the sacroiliac joint with special reference to the effect of load
24. What is pelvic girdle pain? HC Ostgaard
25. The pattern of intra-pelvic motion and lumbo-pelvic muscle recruitment alters in the presence of pelvic girdle pain
SECTION 3 Low back
26. Different diagnosis of low back pain
27. Conditions of weight bearing: asymmetrical overload syndrome (AOS)
28. Evidence-based clinical testing of the lumbar spine and pelvis
PART 4 Guidelines
29. European guidelines for prevention in low back pain, G Muller on behalf of the COST B13 Working Group on European Guidelines for Prevention in Low Back Pain
30. Evidence-based medicine for acute and chronic low back pain: guidelines
31. European guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic girdle pain
PART 5 Effective training and treatment
SECTION 1 Psychological, social and motivational aspects
32. Behavioral analysis, fear of movement/(re) injury and cognitive-behavioral management of chronic low back pain
SECTION 2 Motor control
33. Functional control of the spine
34. Motor control in chronic pain: new ideas for effective intervention
SECTION 3 Different views on effective training and treatment
35. The painful and unstable lumbar spine: a foundation and approach for restabilization
36. Important aspects for efficacy of treatment with specific stabilizing exercises for postpartum pelvic girdle pain
37. Breathing pattern disorders and back pain
38. Effective rehabilitation of lumbar and pelvic girdle pain
PART 6 Integrating different views and opinions when dealing with a complex system
39. An intregrated approach for the management of low back and pelvic girdle pain - a case report
40. An integrated therapeutic approach to the treatment of pelvic girdle pain
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