sometimes when you download at tusfiles, the downloaded file does not correspond to what we want, until there is a thinks the file is a virus. well now i will explain how to download at tusfiles order not mistaken and did not consider the file as a virus,,,,
Langkah 1
lakukan sesuai dengan yang telah saya jelaskan di Tutorial download hingga anda diarahkan ke laman Tusfile
Step 1
done in accordance with what I have explained in the Tutorial download, until you are directed to the Tusfiles page
Langkah 2
sebelum mendownload silahkan perhatikan tanda centang pada bagian bawah seperti dibawah ini
Step 2
before download please note the check mark on the bottom as shown below
jika ada, maka hilangkan tanda centangnya, saat menghilangkan tanda centang secara otomatis akan terbuka beberapa window jadi tenang saja anda cukup mengeluarkan window tersebut seperti biasa.
if so, remove the check mark, while eliminating tick will automatically open a window so just relax you just spent that window.
if so, remove the check mark, while eliminating tick will automatically open a window so just relax you just spent that window.
Langkah 3
setelah itu klik tombol download now! yang berada di tengah seperti dibawah ini
Step 3
after that click on download now! who was in the middle like this
Step 3
after that click on download now! who was in the middle like this
Langkah 4
tinggal mengunggu hingga selesai mendownload file yang anda inginkan selesai,,,
Step 4
just waiting for it to finish downloading the files you want,,,
demikian tutorial download via tusfiles selamat mencoba,,,,
Thus tutorial download via tusfiles good luck,,,,
Thus tutorial download via tusfiles good luck,,,,
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